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Sandi Dalton Goodrich is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute class of 15' with a degree in...
A-V Production, Americas
George and Kathy Ross are both from New Hampshire. Both accepted Christ as their Savior as adults. They were introduced to TWR...
A-V Production, Administrative, Maintenance, Americas
Merl has served in the Cary, NC office of TWR since January of 2008. He graduated in 1971 from N.C. State University with a...
A-V Production, Americas
Sarah grew up as a TWR missionary kid on the islands of Guam and Sri Lanka. She has served as a missionary in Botswana and...
Administrative, Americas, Americas - North, USA
Jason and Adina Helmholdt found TWR through an online search with the keyword missionary. God brought them on a journey...
Administrative, Americas, Bonaire
After a successful 19-year corporate career in financial services in various capacities, Vincent believes that he found his...
Americas, Information Technology, Missionary
Paul and Kathy joined TWR via a teen missions trip to Russia, where God called them into a ministry reaching those not easily...
Administrative, Americas
Allan and Theresa sensed God's call to serve in foreign missions for several years, but it was during a global missionary...
Administrative, Engineering, Americas, Missionary, USA
Dick and Jeanne Olson are veteran missionaries with Trans World Radio. They have served faithfully since May of 1961. They were...
Administrative, Americas
Bill has been serving with us since 1958, which means he’s been a part of the TWR family longer than Alaska and Hawaii have...
In compliance with IRS guidelines, contributions are solicited with the understanding that TWR has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. TWR will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.
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