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Alec Given

Alec is a recent graduate of the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology where he studied Computer Graphics Technology. Alec specialized in...
A-V Production, Global, Short-term (3-12 mo.)
Alec Given
Alec is a recent graduate of the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology where he studied Computer Graphics Technology. Alec specialized in Animation and Themed Attraction Design. His skills in animation, video editing, sound design, and illustration make him a perfect fit for TWR MOTION! Alec will be serving with our Embark program for a one-year commitment with the consideration of a longer commitment afterward. Alec desires to use the skills that God has blessed him with to advance his kingdom and help people grow to know Jesus. TWR Motion has the opportunity to do that through many illustrated and animated video projects. The desire is for Alec to come on board with MOTION as soon as possible so he can help animate the Buddhist Project (among other things). Thank you for your consideration in partnering with Alec and the TWR MOTION ministry!
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