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Use your knowledge about the people of Afghanistan to bring the good news to this hard-pressed people group!
Administrative, Project Management, Americas, Europe, Global, Middle East, Featured, Full Time, Long-term (1+ years), Missionary, USA
Put your project management experience to use, directly impacting people's lives with the good news Jesus brings!
Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Global, Middle East, Full Time, Long-term (1+ years), Missionary, Project Management
We need experienced technicians who can develop and maintain infrastructure, from studio maintenance to digital platforms.
A-V Production, Marketing, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Global, Middle East, Full Time, Part Time, Long-term (1+ years), Short-term (3-12 mo.), Missionary
We're looking for content creators and promotions and marketing specialists!
A-V Production, Marketing, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Global, Middle East, Full Time, Long-term (1+ years), Short-term (3-12 mo.), Missionary
Work on specifically assigned projects for the regional HR team as well as supporting projects on a global level.
CAMENA, Europe, Middle East, Internship (2-3 mo.), Short-term (3-12 mo.), Marketing
Can't find what you're looking for or a role that fits you? Let us know about your interests and skills and we'll help you do...
Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Global, Middle East, Full Time, Part Time, Internship (2-3 mo.), Long-term (1+ years), Short-term (3-12 mo.), Missionary, Volunteer
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