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News & Stories

Reach the Last: Spreading Seeds of Hope among the Japanese

by Lauren Mock

Of the 119 million Japanese people worldwide, only 0.46% are evangelical Christians. But TWR is serving the world's second-largest unreached people group, using media to share the gospel in this "missionary's graveyard."

Welcome to
 the July installment of Reach the Last, our year-long series highlighting some of the world’s least-reached people groups and the hope that grows in these places through TWR’s efforts to share the love of Christ.

By TWR Staff
On July 8, a Kyiv children’s hospital was shelled as Russia launched massive missile strikes across Ukraine. The tragedies of...
By Malise Terrell
Following in her parents' engineering footsteps, Emma is spending her summer on the Pacific island of Guam, using her skills to...
Asia, Engineering, Guam, Internship (2-3 mo.)
By Lauren Mock
The Japanese people need your prayers. Here are five specific ways you can pray for them.
Asia, Japan, NE Asia, Reach the Last, Unreached
By Jade Alger
Ildar* climbed up to the stage with flowers in hand to propose to the woman he loved. Venera* had just finished performing a...
By TWR Staff
We are at the starting blocks of the Games Talk project! May God prepare the hearts of people who will hear the gospel at Games...
CE Europe, NW Europe, S Europe, Europe, Europe - Northwest, Europe - South
By Lauren Mock
For the Japanese, the second-largest unreached people group in the world, giving their lives to Christ comes with giving up the...
Asia, Japan, NE Asia, Reach the Last, Unreached
By Malise Terrell
Lauren joins us from Messiah University, where she is a rising senior majoring in English with a creative writing concentration...
Americas, Internship (2-3 mo.), Marketing, N América, USA
By John Lundy
From missionary stories to power outages threatening broadcasting efforts, this is the fourth installment of John Lundy's...
Africa, Malawi, S&E Africa
By TWR Staff
TWR is partnering with PHARE FM for a special “PHARE FM PARIS TOUR” week, to celebrate Phare FM’s 35 years of existence and 10...
By John Lundy
The second-largest lake in Africa, hearing from listeners and a choir's welcome — Part 3 of John Lundy's adventures at TWR's...
Africa, Malawi, S&E Africa
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