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Our Projects

TWR’s Korean programs include Bible reading and teaching, seminary training, children’s programs, and a worship service on the...
Asia, Asia - Northeast, MIF, North Korea, persecution
TWR Women of Hope brings hope in Jesus to women around the world and across generations. We seek to educate, encourage, and...
Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Global, Middle East, MIF, TWR Women of Hope
TWR's Women of Hope ministry is reaching out to women in the southeastern Europe region in the countries of Croatia, Bulgaria,...
TWR Women of Hope
A significant number of people in Central Asia live in rural areas. Despite the geographic distances, they still seek to be...
Asia, Asia - Central, CAMENA, Radio, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, RFTW
The vast continent of Africa is home to nearly 2,500 ethnic groups, and many of them are Muslims. Throughout the rural settings...
Africa, Africa - South & East, Africa - West & Central, Radio is the world’s premier online tool for accessing Christian media resources in over 140 languages – and growing. The...
Global, MIF, RFTW, TWR360
TWR has been broadcasting from the island of Bonaire for almost 60 years. This small Caribbean island is situated about 50...
Bonaire, S America
Women are sometimes not taught that they are precious to God or viewed as equal to men. We want to teach women that, according...
Global, Hope Challenge, MIF, TWR Women of Hope
TWR in Cambodia has a long-running ministry to children that includes not only radio programs but also in-person rallies where...
Asia, Asia - Southeast, Cambodia, MIF
Chinese culture has traditionally placed a higher value on the male gender. Under the one-child policy (implemented between...
TWR Women of Hope
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