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Hope for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island nation of 21 million people situated off the southern coast of India. While there are some Christians, Muslims, and Hindus,...
Asia, Asia - South, MIF, Sri Lanka
Hope for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island nation of 21 million people situated off the southern coast of India. While there are some Christians, Muslims, and Hindus, the majority adhere to Buddhism, and the environment for Christians can be difficult.

About a quarter of Sri Lankans are age 15 and under, and many of them lack adequate nutrition and education, so TWR has begun to broadcast an educational radio program for the children of Sri Lanka with all their needs in mind.

Topics cover the importance of nutrition, exercise, reading, taking responsibility, avoiding social media addiction, and much more. Other ministries of TWR in Sri Lanka include Women of Hope and projects for unreached people groups.

Your gift will help all these ministries to continue and flourish.

Photo: IMB

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