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Cuba Needs Jesus

Air drop God’s Word to a spiritually-hungry nation
Cuba Needs Jesus

Cuba needs Jesus.

The Caribbean island is in crisis as this last bastion of communism in the West continues to face social and economic crisis. Severe poverty, shortages of fuel, food and electricity, and limited access to medicine and daily necessities are commonplace.

When the political and social structures that people have relied upon seem to be crumbling around them, many begin questioning the old answers and open their hearts to an encounter with Jesus.

But, in the words of the apostle Paul, how will they hear without a preacher?

Just as food, water, medicine and other critical supplies are air-dropped into areas ravaged by natural disaster, TWR can air-drop gospel messages to nourish, comfort and heal souls bruised and battered by spiritual crisis. Through these broadcasts, God can speak his words into the lives of people searching for answers, inspiring them to seek out local believers and find the ultimate truth in Jesus Christ.

Thank you for partnering with TWR to air-drop the gospel into Cuba.

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