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Outreach to Türkiye

TWR’s Turkish partner organization ministers where cataclysmic earthquakes struck in early 2023. With a death toll over 50,000 and whole towns...
Asia - Central, Europe, Middle East, MIF, Türkiye (Turkey), Unreached
Outreach to Türkiye

TWR’s Turkish partner organization ministers where cataclysmic earthquakes struck in early 2023. With a death toll over 50,000 and whole towns wiped out, people became refugees in the most desperate of circumstances.

Churches mobilized to help, and in Antakya (the Antioch of the Bible), where their newest radio station is, people began saying, “If the church had not been here, who would have helped us? We are so glad the church is here.” TWR keeps the biblical encouragement going with programs such as the daily, hourlong broadcast that gives young adults hope for the future and answers their questions. Women of Hope lets the women of Türkiye, who experience domestic violence at a high rate, know they are loved by God.

For many, radio is the only way they will hear the gospel. Your support allows us to continue these encouraging broadcasts. 

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