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The Coopers’ service with TWR began in February 1971 and included 22 years on the island of Bonaire and 14 years in Europe...
Administrative, Maintenance, Americas
Jason and Adina Helmholdt found TWR through an online search with the keyword missionary. God brought them on a journey...
Administrative, Americas, Bonaire
Carl Willis began his journey in Every Man A Warrior (EMAW) in 2015 as part of a small group of men in Chattanooga. Since then,...
Administrative, Americas
Originally from New Jersey, Jeffrey is currently studying at Liberty University. His major is Computer Science with a focus in...
Americas, Information Technology, Internship (2-3 mo.), USA
Wayne Craig joined the Every Man a Warrior ministry of TWR in 2020. Wayne loves to disciple and walk beside men as they learn...
Administrative, Americas
Dan Blosser has served with TWR since 1977, first in Guam and then in Hong Kong.  While in Hong Kong, Dan met and married Rose...
Americas, Information Technology
Administrative, Americas
  The Gows started with TWR in 1969. They have served in Bonaire, Sri Lanka, Monte-Carlo, Chatham, N.J., and Cary,...
Administrative, Finance, Leadership, Americas
Shaun and Dianne have been involved in missions for many years before moving to Texas in 2006. They have been on staff with The...
Administrative, Americas
Having worked with TWR partners, Cru and Jesus Film Project, Marcia trained nationals in how to develop Bible stories, and to...
Administrative, Americas
In compliance with IRS guidelines, contributions are solicited with the understanding that TWR has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. TWR will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.
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