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Bob Glendening

Bob serves as the European Director for Every Man A Warrior. Every Man A Warrior (EMAW) is TWR's men's discipleship ministry focused on growing...
Administrative, Americas
Bob Glendening

Bob is serving as European Director for TWR’s Men’s Discipleship ministry - Every Man A Warrior (EMAW)- alongside his wife Esther. Bob and Esther were commissioned for this role on Oct 27, 2023, by Lauren Libby and Lonnie Berger in a memorable prayer time at TWR headquarters in Cary, NC. Their primary responsibility is to partner with the hardworking EMAW leaders and their families who are laboring to serve Christ by making disciples and growing the work in countries across Europe.

In 1988, while undergoing US Marine flight training, Bob experienced the power of discipleship first-hand.  A Navigator missionary invested 8 months training him one-on-one. The time spent in the scriptures was transformative in Bob’s life. Since then, Bob has had a huge heart for men’s discipleship ministry.

“After going through the Everyman a Warrior curriculum the first time, I knew I had found something special. I saw men's lives transformed before my eyes. It is a clear biblical template for effective men's ministry, and importantly, has spiritual multiplication engrained into its DNA - something I was looking for but could never find,” Bob said. “It is hands-down the best men’s discipleship tool ever produced.”

Prior to his assignment to Europe, Bob lived in Salt Lake City and served as the EMAW Southwest USA Regional director. Bob lost his wife Colleen suddenly in 2022 and remarried Esther Elisabeth from Scotland in 2023.

Esther is a no stranger to the mission field. She served a year in Egypt, two years in Africa and has served twice in India. Bob and Esther have five children, four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren between them with more on the way!  

Starting July 2024, their ministry-hub will be Belfast, Northern Ireland.  

Requesting your prayers and partnership for this important work in Europe.

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