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Suriname Documentary

When Auca warriors of the Ecuadorian jungle murdered the five missionaries who were reaching out to them in 1956, it had a ripple effect on the...
Americas, Americas - South, Suriname, Unreached
Suriname Documentary

When Auca warriors of the Ecuadorian jungle murdered the five missionaries who were reaching out to them in 1956, it had a ripple effect on the missions world, inspiring many more to become missionaries. Ivan and Doris Schoen were among them and went to the Wayana tribe of Suriname. Their son, Tom, speaks the Wayana language. He grew up among them as they came to Christ, and today, the Wayana are inviting Tom to team up with TWR to bring gospel radio to the jungles of Suriname.

You will want to be a part of this captivating true story of the Great Commission as it was meant to be, told in a new documentary from TWR. Missionaries who went to the "ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8) led the Wayana to Christ, and now the Wayana are going out and making disciples. (Matthew 28:19) If you've ever mourned the tragedy of the five missionaries martyred in 1956, take comfort as their wives did in knowing God would use it for good. The story of the Wayana needs to be shared, and TWR is privileged to be producing a documentary that will encourage and inspire many to praise God. Will you join us?

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