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TWR Women of Hope Somalia

With 99% of the country identifying as Muslim, and about 91% of people groups still unreached*, Somalia is a nation filled with opportunity to...
Africa, TWR Women of Hope, Unreached
TWR Women of Hope Somalia

With 99% of the country identifying as Muslim, and about 91% of people groups still unreached, (according to Joshua Project), Somalia is a nation filled with opportunity to bring the life-changing message of the gospel.  

Women specifically face a variety of challenges, grappling with deeply entrenched socio-cultural norms and systemic barriers. Widespread gender-based violence, limited access to education, and restricted economic opportunities constrain the potential of Somali women, but we know that God has a different story for the women in this nation that is filled with redemption and hope. 

TWR aims to reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced. We use radio and digital programs to broadcast hope into various nations, especially where it is difficult to send missionaries into, such as Somalia. With your generosity, we can reach the last with the gospel message and see lasting fruit produced throughout the nation of Somalia. 

Photo courtesy of IMB


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