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Global Call to Prayer - July 2024

By TWR Staff
CE Europe, NW Europe, S Europe, Europe, Europe - Northwest, Europe - South
01 July 2024
[Estimated reading time: 4 minutes]
Global Call to Prayer July 2024
Games Talk mobile studio bus in Paris

We are at the starting blocks of the Games Talk project.
We are at the starting blocks of the Games Talk project! May God prepare the hearts of people who will hear the gospel at Games Talk, recognizing their need of him. Join us in praying that the Spirit draws their hearts to the good news of Jesus.

Week Five
Ensemble 2024 is a network of French Evangelical churches and organizations who will bring together both church and partner initiatives during the 2024 Olympic Games. Pray that people who hear the gospel through these initiatives will give their lives to the Lord. 

Churches: Many Parisian churches will be involved in the evangelistic activities to some capacity during the Olympics. Pray for a continued spirit of union and fellowship between them.

► Local ministries: A number of different Parisian ministries will intensify their focus on summer activities, whether student ministries, social events, missions, arts or sports. Let’s pray for these activities to be fruitful.

► International ministries: As believers from all over the world come together to be part of the local ministry efforts in Paris, pray for God’s favor on their involvement and partnerships.

Week Six
► Pray for good coordination and relationships among all the TWR partners from the Americas, Spanish-speaking countries, Arab-speaking countries, Brazil and Russia.

► Latin America: Pray for successful collaboration with radio stations, eager to air our content and spark curiosity in sports fans and those seeking spiritual fulfillment. Let’s also pray for those in need of salvation, that they might encounter Jesus and respond to his message. Pray that God prepares hearts and cultivates the soil so the spiritual seeds we sow will take root in fertile ground.

► Russia: Pray for the successful realization of the project in the Russian language.

► Brazil: Ask the Lord to enable us to carry out this project with excellence so that it will be a successful evangelization tool for new listeners.

► Pray for a profound, vibrant impact in the various world regions where PHARE FM content will be broadcast.

Week Seven
► Pray for Cécile Janiaud, the ministry director of Southern Europe and Digital Ministry, as she leads and supervises the project in Paris during the week of July 22-26.

► Pray for Terry Chan, who has been working as a coordinator between TWR and PHARE FM. He will also be present during the week of the project in Paris to coordinate press and athlete relations.

► Pray for Anna Laura Visser, graphic designer and content specialist for TWR Europe, who will serve as the communication contact during the week of the project.

► Fifty volunteers (25 from the U.S. and 25 from France) will give of their time and skills during the project. Pray over their involvement as they collaborate with various teams and interact with people in Paris.

Week Eight
► Hospitality: The eyes of the world will be on Paris during the summer of 2024 as the city hosts major sports events such as the tennis tournament Roland Garros (June), the world-famous Tour de France (July), and, for the third time in its history, the Olympic Games (July and August). Crowds will flock to Paris, making it an incredible season for the city. Pray that Parisians and the French people in general will be ready to receive the visitors from around the world. Pray that the French people will overflow with generous hospitality.

► Safety: It’s a massive effort to organize consecutive international events in terms of logistics and security. Pray for those involved such as the police, firefighters, hospital workers, metro and bus staff.

► Government: Pray that the French government and politicians will serve the city and country for the benefit of the people rather than for their own benefit.

► Marginalized population: Paris, being a large city, is home to marginalized populations including the homeless, immigrants, drug addicts and victims of sex trafficking. Pray that they can be ministered to in various ways.

Week Nine
► The athletes participating in the project are outspoken believers who will be competing for Paris 2024. May their stories, shared in France through PHARE FM and around the world via TWR partners, deeply impact listeners and resonate beyond borders.

► Christian athletes: We obviously won’t be able to interview every Christian athlete, but regardless of whether or not they achieve their goals, let’s pray that their faith is strengthened during the Olympics. May their journeys serve as testimonies of God’s faithfulness to their peers.

► Pray that this project becomes a catalyst for new partnerships, having a long-term impact on Christian ministries in France.

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Note: The image (top) of the Games Talk mobile studio bus is AI generated.
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