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CAMENA Newsletter - March 2023

By TWR Staff
Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Tajikistan, C Asia, N Africa, CAMENA, Middle East
March 2023

Accessing God’s Word audibly

In Central Asia, some people prefer not to read, others are unable to due to factors such as illiteracy or blindness. TWR helps all of them find access to the Bible and biblical programs through a variety of devices such as the radio, MP3 players and SD cards.

A Kazakh pastor shared, “I love to read books; I have been reading books since childhood. After I believed in Jesus, reading became my life, not just a hobby. When I started serving in Central Asia, I noticed that believers do not read the Bible.” He observed that people attentively listened to others reading the Bible and accepted what was shared but were not interested in reading God’s Word for themselves. “It troubles me how people will live without reading the Bible and only hearing it from someone else. How do they relate to personal communication with God? I prayed about this.”

The pastor used to say, “Read the Bible,” but now he says, “Read the Bible in audio format.” The trouble is many believers who live in remote villages have poor-quality internet service. As the pastor prayed about this, a TWR colleague told him that we could provide devices for listening to radio programs and audio Bibles. “God heard my prayer and answered them, and I am very grateful to the brothers and sisters who make such an opportunity available.”

One of the favorite programs among listeners in Central Asia that explain the whole Bible is Thru the Bible. In the Uzbek language, they do not have theological books available to explain God’s Word. This program helps people to understand biblical stories, look through the eyes of people that lived at that time, and understand the background and culture of the nations in the Bible.

In the Kazakh and Central Asian Russian languages, Thru the Bible is a great tool for the deep study of the Bible and to help believers strengthen their faith. Listeners receive valuable insights into the Bible easily and understandably. This program even helps unbelievers understand Scripture. Thru the Bible blesses the people of Central Asia with spiritual food.

The pastor said, “My heart aches because the gospel is spreading in cities, but villages are still closed, and no one reads the Holy Bible, although they are distributed. But I hope that these devices and programs will open up a very good opportunity for the spread of the gospel. I thank our Father God for this. God bless your ministry abundantly.”

Prayer Points:
  • Pray for the Kazakh churches as they unite to reach the Kazakh people with the gospel. Pray that the unification of churches will allow for a more coordinated effort to effectively reach their communities with the good news of Jesus.
  • Pray for religious freedom in Uzbekistan. Pray that churches will be able to obtain official registrations.
  • Pray for the economic struggles and unemployment that many are facing throughout Central Asia.
  • Please pray for the growth of our social media platforms (TikTok, YouTube and Telegram)
  • Pray for the radio distribution project among Tajik listeners as teams hand out radios, MP3 players, and SD cards to people living in remote villages, mountainous areas, and hard-to-reach places.
  • Pray for the protection of the Turkmen house churches. God is using local ministers to spread the good news and we pray for these leaders and their families. Pray that believers will draw closer to God as they face persecution.
  • Pray for the safety of TWR staff, partners and ministry friends serving Central Asian countries.

Listener Stories:

A testimony from an Uzbek listener:

“Hello dear brothers. I want to share with you how God works through radio broadcasts. Many of the local people who come to Christ stopped reading books after they completed school; many do not like reading and read poorly. However, what is good is that they learn well through listening. The radio helps such people very well. When they read a book, it is incredibly difficult for them to understand what they are reading. Nevertheless, when you tell them, they listen very willingly. Because there are so many people like this in our church, radio broadcasts help them to grow spiritually. In this regard, radio broadcasts are good assistants for leaders.

Another very good thing is that many listen at home while doing housework. We also have believers who graze cows and sheep in the meadows. They constantly carry radios or MP3 devices with them that help them grow spiritually. They listen to the radio all day. It would be difficult for them to grow spiritually if it were not for radios. It is not often possible to meet with them, and when it is possible to meet, it is difficult for them to grow spiritually. However, thanks to radios and MP3 devices, they can constantly listen to broadcasts. We have many such brothers that listen to the radio a lot; they remember God's Word well.”

A listener shared:

“I listen to your radio programs a lot. When I go to work in the morning, I listen to them in my headphones, and when I come back from work, I also listen, especially when I walk back, I listen the whole way. You know, there is a difference between when you receive the Word of God through the Bible and when you receive answers to your questions through the radio programs. When I listen to radio programs, I can think about that in my mind. Moreover, it is very good that when you listen to it, no one interferes, and it is easy to think about what I heard. I have been listening to the programs for a long time and I have already received many answers to my questions.”


TWR's response to the earthquakes in
Türkiye and Syria in February 2023

As the tragedy hit Türkiye (formerly known as Turkey) and Syria February 6, our hearts went out to the people affected by the earthquakes. There is an ongoing humanitarian crisis in parts of Türkiye and Syria due to the twin earthquakes and their aftershocks. Thousands of lives have been lost. Despite the grim news, God is at work.

Please join us in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving in these regions as they endure intense trials, support the local church, broadcast hope, and comfort those dealing with trauma.

As we pray for the earthquake victims, let us remember the unity and generosity of the church of Antioch in Acts 11:25-30 that did not hesitate to aid their brothers and sisters in need. The generosity and solidarity of this church that is recorded in the Scriptures originates in the present-day region of Türkiye and Syria affected by the earthquakes. This is where the disciples were first called Christians, teaching large crowds of people about Jesus Christ.

Because TWR is uniquely positioned to share the message of hope with the people of Türkiye and Syria, an emergency fund has been set up. These funds will enable TWR to continue producing comforting, Bible-based programs, and may also be used to provide food, blankets, tents, and other practical aid.

Syria – Pray for God’s provision

“You will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” Isaiah 58:12

In Syria, they are devastated by the lost lives and brokenness that has brought additional pain to this nation that has immensely suffered from war and conflict during the past decade already. It is especially difficult because Syria is not equipped with shelters, or the government is not able to have enough forces to help, so they are asking for survivors to help in the search for people under the rubble.

The TWR Arabic team is producing episodes of Hope for Syria and sharing eternal hope with the victims. We are thankful that the radio station in the region was not affected. Because of this, programming has been ongoing, with content that is relevant to the current crisis. In the days following the earthquake, last-minute programs have been recorded to minister specifically to Syrians who are dealing with the hardships caused by the quakes. Replacement programs from Hope for Syria are now being aired to address these needs.

To escape the bitter cold and snow, some Christians in Syria have moved to live in church buildings as their homes are damaged and unsafe. TWR is partnering with the churches in Syria to support them in providing humanitarian aid to the earthquake victims. Ask for the Lord’s favor and provision in the ongoing relief efforts and trauma healing that is so desperately needed.

Recently, we heard from one of the team members who reported that in Aleppo, Syria the Syrian government does not have sufficient resources to help all the survivors, so many people are still homeless. As the harsh winter weather continues, there is a high demand for blankets, mattresses, and other basic needs. In Aleppo, a ministry contact is asking for prayers as many are homeless on the streets and without shelter in the cold, harsh weather. Pray for God’s provision and protection. 

Türkiye – His ways are mysterious

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

TWR’s ministry friends in Türkiye are working hard to offer aid in the area. Soner, the general manager of Shema Media Group, helped us understand the situation on the ground, “With a lack of supplies, lack of police security, and a huge influx of refugees, crime is on the rise.” Roadblocks make travel logistics very difficult in hard-hit areas. Moreover, the lack of electricity and internet access complicates the relief process. Soner made the point that during this kind of calamity, everyone wants to pitch in and help at first, but as the weeks go by, they lose interest. He was certain that it will require long-term investment to rebuild. Soner is confident that media ministry, specifically radio, will play a vital role in rebuilding and bringing hope to the area. “Programs in Turkish but also in Syrian Arabic are of great importance,” he reported.

Shema Media Group has changed their programs to include hourly news, appropriate Christian music, and Bible verses that bring hope to the hurting.

Soner and his wife have been buying blankets, clothing, and food to distribute to those in need. On the way to aid survivors in Antakya, they had to sleep in their car due to the roads that were too dangerous for night travel. “The most damaged city is Antioch. We have a radio station there that was affected by the earthquake. The building was damaged but the equipment inside was not. We were able to relocate the equipment and we are now back on the air again. Praise the Lord.

Another member of Shema Media Group shared, “As I was praying, I got the sense of a strange peace that transcends understanding. Knowing that we see the desert and drought right now, but God sees the full picture. And I have faith that he will bring beauty from ashes once again. No one knows how God can turn the most awful situations around for his glory and our good. His ways are mysterious.”

A testimony of God’s faithfulness

We received a gripping story from Shema Media Group that is a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

“A local believer lives in the city of Elbistan. There are very few known believers in the city besides him. His house was the only one left standing in the area after the earthquakes – all the other buildings collapsed. The people around him said that it must be because he is a Christian.

“He has opened his home to the local who have nowhere to live and is being a living testimony of God’s love and care. His sons, who live in a safe area of Türkiye, are trying to convince him to leave such a ‘dangerous place’ and move in with them. But he refuses, saying, 'There are people here who do not have a place to go so I will stay.'”

Prayer Points for Türkiye and Syria:
  • We pray for the victims affected by the earthquake. We thank God for those who have been found and rescued so far.
  • We pray that You, the God of all comfort, will bring comfort, protection, and provision to the families who have lost loved ones or have been injured, and to those who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Lord, please comfort them in their trauma and grief.
  • We lift up the believers, churches, and ministry partners who have already found ways to offer aid and minister to the survivors. Lord, please care for them and give them strength, wisdom, and stamina throughout this ordeal. May they radiate the love and peace of Christ as they minister to these hurting nations and as they rush to offer practical help to those suffering.
  • We praise the Lord that the local radio station at Antioch is restored and that more people can listen to Christian music and biblical teaching that offers comfort.  
  • Many of the Christian media staff in Türkiye have family members affected by the disasters. Pray that the staff will be able to focus on their ministries with clear minds.
  • We pray for our team in Syria and are grateful that they are currently safe. We pray that the Lord will use their programs to bring hope in these times of distress.
  • Some colleagues from the TWR Arabic team visited Syria in February. God, granted them safety and guidance as they helped update the digital ministry there and support the Syrian team emotionally. One of them we also able to go to Aleppo and minister to those in horrific circumstances. Pray that God will restore not just buildings but especially broken hearts. 
  • We pray that the TWR Arabic follow-up team will be guided by the Holy Spirit in their responses to listeners living in Lebanon, Egypt, and Syria. Many are facing difficult challenges as the economic situation in these countries is severely bad where poverty, abuse, and homelessness are dramatically increasing.
  • We praise you, God, that the churches in Syria are uniting to provide shelter and physical help to people facing cold weather and homelessness. Lord, please give these churches stamina and resources so they can continue their aid efforts.
  • We praise you for the churches in Türkiye that are also helping provide comfort and relief to the people affected in their towns. We pray that You give the leaders wisdom in knowing how to help survivors.

Kurdish Kurmanji

In the latter half of January three of our team headed to a city in the southeast of Türkiye (formerly known as Turkey) to meet up with those who are involved in the media ministry of a local FM station. From this station, life-changing programs are transmitted in the languages of Turkish, Arabic, Kurmanji, Syriac, and Zaza throughout the course of the week. On this particular occasion, we traveled there to gain a better perspective on the media content being produced for the Kurdish Kurmanji-speaking audience, and to encourage the local team.

Three programs, Thru the Bible, Women of Hope, and The Prophets are currently in translation and production and The Way of Righteousness and Power in Persecution are new projects getting underway. These programs will bring a fresh sound to the station, as up until now most of the Kurmanji content being aired was produced several years ago, with the exception of Women of Hope which is a new initiative started on the air in 2022.

During this visit, we had the opportunity to meet with both the coordinator and translator of Women of Hope as well as the lady who voices the program. Both of these sisters have a heart to serve the women in the region and they are grateful to be a part of this ministry. As they work through the scripts and adapt them for the audience, they are eager and motivated to one day write their own unique scripts for the programs. The sister who voices the programs said this. 

It is a blessing to have these programs that encourage the women and I myself am so encouraged as I read and work on the programs. However, this is a conservative region, and it will take some time for people to absorb the reality of these programs. But I believe in God’s timing and pray that God will use these programs to change the lives of many.”

We were also able to meet the pastor of a local Kurdish church who will be voicing the Thru the Bible programs. He was eager to point out how necessary this series is for the Kurmanji people. As we sat in a local restaurant for dinner, the pastor shared about the history of the region and especially the existence of the church in the region and his relationship with other church leaders he works with in the city. There is much potential for us to work together with this brother on other projects once TTB is finished. He is very eager to use this teaching material in local distribution in areas where the Kurmanji are out of reach of the local FM radio signal.

Throughout all the time we were together, we were hosted and driven to various places by a dear brother who serves as a station manager, technical support officer, and recording technician. Though he is not originally from this city, he and his wife serve faithfully among the Kurdish church and have made this place their home. During our time there, he introduced us to a listener to the programs. Here is her story.

“I came to the Lord six years ago when I was living in Izmir but became hurt in relationships and stepped away from God. I later found myself in prison. While I was in prison, I slept during the day and listened to the radio at night to avoid being bothered by people. It was not a good place, there was lots of fighting and violence. I found myself feeling discouraged and hopeless, and I wanted to die. I decided to try and find some sad music to match my mood, but the radio became stuck on your station, so I listened the whole night.

I decided that the next night I would commit suicide, but when the night came, I turned on the radio which was still stuck on your station. That night the Sunday church service was playing on repeat. I listened and then decided not to commit suicide, and then recommitted myself to Christ. 

After getting out of prison I wanted to find the station. I wanted to thank these people I had never met who were a part of my salvation and cared about me so much, even when people I knew before never cared about me. I had made a cross necklace in prison and felt compelled to give it to the people at the local FM station.

For a long time, I wandered around Old Town looking for the station, asking people where it was. Eventually, someone told me to check on the internet, and I saw that it's in New part of town instead of the Old one. However, I didn't have any money left, so I walked the whole way.

When I finally arrived at the station, the station manager was not there, but his daughter was. She was under strict instructions never to open the door to strangers. However, for whatever reason, she opened the door.

I now attend the local church, but a new one is opening in my area soon. My favorite program is the Sunday services broadcast at night, and the worship music.

Now my relationship with God is very different. I am shaking with joy.” 


Prayer Points:
  • Pray for the translation, adaption in Kurmanji, and production of the programs, Thru the Bible, Women of Hope, and The Prophets.
  • Please pray that the Women of Hope program will begin encouraging and working on the lives of women in the region who are unaccustomed to openly sharing their difficulties or grief.
  • Pray for The Way of Righteousness program as the team works with the existing scripts to adapt them for the context of the local audience and environment.
  • Please pray for a translator team for the Power in Persecution program which requires multiple voice talents.
  • Pray for us to establish a follow-up team to interact with listeners in this location.
  • Please pray as the team works to gather and create Kurdish Christian music to broadcast alongside TWR’s programs.
  • We are thankful that this radio station was not hit as hard by the earthquakes in Türkiye. Because of this, programming has been ongoing, with content that is relevant to the current crisis.
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