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Five Ways You Can Pray for the Hausa People

By John Lundy
Africa, Nigeria, Reach the Last, Unreached, W&C Africa
13 May 2024
[Estimated reading time: 2 minutes]

Of the 55.4 million Hausa people spread across 16 countries worldwide, only 0.46% know Jesus. 

How can you pray for the Hausa people? Here are five suggestions that came from Hausa
Christians and other experts:

1. Pray for their persecutors.

“We just pray and ask for prayers that the Lord will break the hearts of these men,” said Joshua Irondi, director for TWR Nigeria.

2. Pray for additional resources for our team in Nigeria.

“I have seen results coming from the little things we have done there, and we know that if we’d do more there would be a great harvest among the Hausas,” Irondi said. “We have volunteers who are on the ground ready to do the work if the materials, the resources, are made available to them.”

3. Pray for our staff.

Pray for Garth Kennedy, station director, and 21 full- and part-time staff members at the West Africa Transmitting Station, which services Nigeria and much of West Africa. “Praise for the team … [for] what God is doing in them, but pray because it is going to get more difficult, and it’s going to get more challenging,” Kennedy said.

4. Pray with Hausa Christians against fear.

“The Hausaland is ripe, but one of the things that is really limiting the advancement of the gospel in Hausaland is fear,” said Ambassador J.D. Jydson, founder of Hausa Christian Foundation. 

5. Pray for protection for Hausa Christians and other Christians in northern Nigeria.

From a May 5, 2023 report by the Hausa Christian Foundation: “The persecution is surging and unbearable; from deliberate abduction, forced conversion … and forced marriage of our young Christian girls …. to the displacement of several communities and kidnapping of many others for ransom.” 

Images: (top banner) Of the 55.4 million Hausa people worldwide, only 0.46% know Jesus, (bottom, right) A Hausa man and young girl attend a community gathering in Nigeria [Image by Musa Philibus] 

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